Portuguese Version

Year:  1999  Vol. 65   Ed. 4 - ()

Artigos Originais

Pages: 308 to 315

Pediatrics and Otolaryngologics Agreements and Disagreements in Tonsilectomy an Adenoidectomy (Surgical Indications).

Author(s): Sulene Pirara*,
Ricardo F. Bento**;
José Camas***.

Keywords: tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy

Introduction: Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy indications have been revised in last decades. Otolaryngologists and pediatrics are the professional involved with the indications of these surgeries that are performed mainly in children. Purpose: To evaluate the pediatrics and otolaryngologists viewpoints in tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy surgical indications. Material and Methods: Four hundred questionnaires were sent to otolaryngologists and pediatrics; 35% were responded. Results: The criteria considered important to tonsillectomy indications were: middle ear infections, failure to thrive, general health, history of allergies, hearing loss, "glue" ear, sleep apnoea, more than five episodes of tonsillitis a year and duration of symptoms for more than two years. For adenoidectomy the criteria considered important were: snoring, ear infections, general health, sleep apnoea, hearing loss, "glue" ear and duration or symptoms for more then two years. Conclusion: The disagreement point for tonsillectomy were: size of the tonsil and snoring. To adenoidectomy the only disagreement point were the size.






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