Image Details


 V.77 Ed.4
 V.77 Ed.4
 V.77 Ed.4
 V.77 Ed.4
 V.77 Ed.4
 V.77 Ed.4


Image Code: 3528

Left inferior meatus

Image published on/in:2012 Vol.: 78 Ed.: 4 -


Description: Figure 1. Left inferior meatus. 1: Inferior nasal concha; 2: Hasner's valve; 3: Site of puncture on the lateral wall of the left inferior meatus.

Author(s) of the original article: José Arruda Mendes Neto1; Viviane Maria Guerreiro2; Elcio Roldan Hirai3; Eduardo Macoto Kosugi4; Rodrigo de Paula Santos5; Luis Carlos Gregório6

Title and link to the article: The role of maxillary sinus puncture on the diagnosis and treatment of patients with hospital-acquired rhinosinusitis





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