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Image Code: 3677
Figure 1. A: Nasal endoscopy image showing a pulsating mass in the lateral recess of the nasopharynx.
Image published on/in: 2013 Vol.: 79 Ed.: 6 - 22º
Description: Figure 1. A: Nasal endoscopy image showing a pulsating mass in the lateral recess of the nasopharynx. B, C, D: Contrast-enhanced CT scan of the neck; axial, coronal, and sagittal views, respectively, showing a kinked right internal carotid artery.
Author(s) of the original article: Amaury de Machado Gomes; Otavio Marambaia dos Santos; Pablo Pinillos Marambaia; Carlos Augusto de Carvalho Carrera; Leonardo Marques Gomes
Title and link to the article: Anatomic variant of the internal carotid artery in the pharynx