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Image Code: 3660
Figure 1. Laryngeal membrane in a child aged four months.
Image published on/in: 2013 Vol.: 79 Ed.: 4 - 21º
Description: Figure 1. Laryngeal membrane in a child aged four months. A: Extensive laryngeal membrane producing tight evenly shaped round posterior glottic lumen; B: Endoscopic examination nine days after dilation procedure showing notable increase in glottic lumen despite remnants of congenital malformation.
Author(s) of the original article: Renata Santos Bittencourt Silva1; Marco Antonio dos Anjos Corvo2; Larissa Kallas Curiati3; Renata Christofe Garrafa4; Claudia Alessandra Eckley5
Title and link to the article: Unusual congenital malformation of the larynx