Year: 1992 Vol. 58 Ed. 3 - (9º)
Relato de Casos
Pages: 216 to 220
Zigomycosis by entomophthorales: Report of a case with nasal and maxillary sinus involvement.
Abrahão Grinfeld*,
Ângela de Fátima Alcoforado Ramalho**
Maria da Conceição de Gusmão Guerra*.
Keywords: mycosis fungoides, maxillary sinus
The authors present a case of a patient with nasal and maxillary sinus zigomycosis by Entotuoplultorales.
The patient was 26 years old male, from Carpina, Pernambuco, Brazil. He was first seen at "Hospital das Clínicas da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco", with nasal obstruction and right nasomaxillary region edema, in June, 1985.
He was submitted to sinusotomy and biopsy of nasal lesion, and the histologic diagnosis was confirmed.
The patient was treated with potassio iodide, trimithoprim and sulfamethoxazole.
The last follow up in September, 1990, showed the patient free of disease.