Portuguese Version

Year:  1992  Vol. 58   Ed. 3 - ()

Artigos Originais

Pages: 176 to 184

Transnasal microsurgery repair of csf rhinorrhea.

Author(s): Aldo Stamm*,
Levon Mekhitarian Neto**,
Fernando Menezes Braga***,
Heider Lopes de Souza****

Keywords: surgery otorhinolaryngologic, cerebrospinal rhinorrhea

Eighteen patients with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) Rhinorrhea from cribiforme plate region. Ethmoid and Sphenoid sinuses were treated. The etiology most comnom was Traumatic. The diagnosis of a CSF fistula was establishied by the patient's history, physical examitation (microscope, endoscope), and Computed Tomography with contrast. The most frequent clinical findings were Rhinorrhea, Headaches, and Meningits. The treatment in all cases was by Transnasal Microsurgery.






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