Portuguese Version

Year:  1998  Vol. 64   Ed. 6 - (12º)

Relato de Casos

Pages: 636 to 638

Minor Structural Alterations Multiples and Synchronics of the Larynx in Patient Spoken Voice Professional: Case Report.

Author(s): Telma E da Silva*
Patrícia A. Rabuske* ,
Michela C. N. Bernz* ;
Leandro, J. Haas* ;
Marcos A. Nemetz**

Keywords: larynx, latyngoscopy, vocal corós, voice, phonation

Minor structural alteration on larynx represent minor congenital alterations which do not provoke great inlpact in voice quality, but may cause dysphonia when associated with an increase in the vocal demand. Initially, the autoors briefly introduce a discussion of the main disorders and their treatment, and then narrate the case of a 28 years old patient who presents four minor structural alterations but remain assymptomatic until he starts using his spoken voice professionally. From this moment on, he starts developing compensatory functional disorders which lead hitn to look for medical help, but do not make hitn stop using the voice professionally for approximately 12 hours a day. The voice quality shows improvement with phonotherapy. Surgical treatment will be done in case there is no stability in this improvement.






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