Portuguese Version

Year:  1998  Vol. 64   Ed. 6 - ()

Artigos Originais

Pages: 612 to 616

Humoral Immunodeficiency Children with Acute Recurrent Tonsillitis.

Author(s): Vilma C. C. Mlizzola ,
Míriam S. Teixeira **
Luc L. M. Weckx** ,
Dírceu Solé*****.

Keywords: immunossupression, immunodeficiency, tonsillitis

Sixty children aged between 2 anel 12 years were divided fifty three groups: twenty with recurrent tonsillitis anel tonsillar hypertrophy (Group 1), twenty with recurrent tonsillitis without tonsillar hypertrophy (Group 11) anel twenty with only tonsillar hypertrophy (Group 111). Serum levels of IgA, IgM anel IgG were measured for determination of hulnoral immunodeficiency anel the results showed only one child with clecrease of IgA levels in Group 1.






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