Portuguese Version

Year:  1998  Vol. 64   Ed. 5 - ()

Artigos Originais

Pages: 507 to 512

Waldeyer's Lymphatic Ring - Immunological Aspects.

Author(s): Edigar Rezende Almeida*;
Vera Andiara Rezende * ;
Ossamu Butugan***.

Keywords: Waldeyer's lymphatic ring, palatal tonsils, adenoids, immunology

The authors approach some aspects of the microstructure of adenoids and palatal tonsils, as well as immunological physiology of these lymphatics. Also are analyzes face to references in the literature, the possible changes in the induction process in immunoglobulin production in inflammatory and hyperplastic processes. They also mention the repercussion of tonsil and adenoid removal on immunological and systemic functions and protection of the body, as well as mention present surgical indications for the lymphoid agglomerate of Waldeyer's ring.






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