Portuguese Version

Year:  1994  Vol. 60   Ed. 4 - (10º)

Relato de Casos

Pages: 304 to 308

Temporomandibular Joint Reconstruction With Costhocondral Graft and Temporal Muscle Flap

Author(s): Luiz Carlos Manganello de Souza*,
Frederico Livani**,
Maria do Carmo Guerra**.

Keywords: Temporomandibular joint syndrome arthroplastie, cartilagem - transplantation

The authors present a case of a patient with infernal derangement of the TWJ. The patient underwent a surgery to ressect the perforated disc and a high condilectomy. A temporal muscle flap was used to replace the disc. A costhocondral graft was used to elevate the mandible and was fixed with two screws. Follow up aftersix months showed a patient with no pain and normal movements.






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