Portuguese Version

Year:  1998  Vol. 64   Ed. 1 - (10º)

Relato de Casos

Pages: 73 to 75

Osteopetrosis: A Case Report

Author(s): * Charles B. Angela
* Cristiano L. Flamia ;
* Rodolfo K. Amoretd ;
** Dalva A. do Prado;
*** Arnaldo Linden.

Keywords: osteopetrosis, case report, clinical findings, radiological findings

The osteopetrosis is a rare disorder of bone metabolism. It is an inherited disease and may present a large variety of clinical findings and characteristic radiological features. The most frequent clinical finding include pathologic fractures, bone pain, and cranial nerve palsies. We present below a report of a patient who had the dominant form of osteopetrosis.






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