Portuguese Version

Year:  1998  Vol. 64   Ed. 1 - ()

Artigos Originais

Pages: 20 to 24

Threedimensional Reconstruction of Acustic Neuroma Approaches, using Computerized Tomography Imaging.

Author(s): Priscila Bogar *
Edson Amarotïníor **
Rícardo F. Bento ***
Atuído Mínítí ***

Keywords: temporal bone, computadorized tomography, acoustic neuroma

The authors present a prelimminar study of the temporal bone using surface rendering tridimensional imaging techniques applied to computerized tomography (CT) images. An anatomical specimen of the temporal bone was used to obtain scans before and after being operated according to two different techniques: translabirintic and retrolabirintic approaches. The data were used to produce tridimensional images in order to visualize the internal auditive conduct in the different surgical views obtained and to calculate the amount of bone tissue removed.






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