Portuguese Version

Year:  1994  Vol. 60   Ed. 1 - ()

Artigos Originais

Pages: 15 to 18

Evoked Otoacustic Emissions Study in Normal Hearing Young Adults

Author(s): Gilberto Gattaz (1),
Marisa Ruggicri (2),
Priscila Bogar (3)

Keywords: Ear diseases, deafness, hearing, audimetry

The study of OAEs is the most recent advance in the research of the audiology evaluation and ear-pathology. After the realization of20 evoked OAEs in normal hearing young adults, the authors measured the amplitude around the frequencies: 500, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000 and 6000 Hz, and the frequency of Me major amplitude in each ear. The final result was the elaboration of a patter curve between the frequency and amplitude in OAE of normal hearing young adults.






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