Portuguese Version

Year:  2000  Vol. 66   Ed. 3 - ()

Artigos Originais

Pages: 251 to 254

Nistagmus of Vertebrobasilar Privation and Doppler in the Diagnosis of Vertebrobasilar Insufficiency.

Author(s): Marco A. Bottino*,
Lazlo Y. Molnar**,
Roseli S. M. Bittar*,
Alessandra R. Venosa***,
Fernanda V. de Morais****,
Fernando V. Angélico Jr.****,
Fábio E. Zerati****.

Keywords: vertebrobasilar insufficiency, vertigo, duplex scan

Introduction: The vertebrobasilar insufficiency (V131) is a relatively frequent cause of vertigo, especially in the older population, commonly suffering from atherosclerosis and cervical spondylosis. During the last 10 years we have used nystagmus of vertebrobasilar privation (NyPVB) to diagnosis VBI. The purpose of our study is to assess the duplex scan method utility to detect vertebral artery compression in patients with VBI symptoms and positive NyPVB. Material and Methods: A total of 21 patients with VBI symptoms and positive NyVBP was evaluated. Duplex scan (7,5 MHz, SD 800 Philips) exams were performed on vertebral arteries (21 patients) and carotid arteries (15 patients). Results: Vertebral artery compression was found in four (19%) patients: three intrinsic and one extrinsic compressions. The diagnosis was based on flow decrease or its absence shown on dupplex scan after a head turning. Conclusion: The NyVBP related to an specific head position is relatively frequent in patients with VBI symptoms. Despite the history and physical examination, the duplex scan method showed few cases of VBI (19%), what can be explained by its limitation to assess same anatomically critical regions, such as vertebral arteries. We concluded that NyVBP is more usefull than Duplex Scan in the diagnosis of VBI.






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