Year: 2000 Vol. 66 Ed. 3 - (1º)
Artigos Originais
Pages: 194 to 197
The Efficacy of Bismuth Subgallate in Tonsillectomy as Hemostatic Agent.
Fernando D. Mofina*,
José V. Maniglia**,
Fernando P. Magalhães***,
Soraya R. Dafico***,
Rodrigo S. Rezende****.
Keywords: tonsillectomy, haemostasy, bismuth subgallate
Introduction: The amygdalectomy or tonsillectomy associated or not to adenoidectomy is one of the oldest and more performed surgical procedures by medicine. Since its first description, it has been suffered several changings aiming the reduction of complications, such as bleeding (hemmorragia), the commonest and most fearful of them. Aim: To evaluate the efficacy of bismute subgalate as a haemostatic agent used into the tonsillectomy inter-surgical after their dissection or curettage, following a standard of usage, and the time the agent remains in contatt with the adenoidectomy and/or amygdalectomy surgical bed observing its haemostasy. Material and methods: in this study three hundred and twelve patients were undergone to tonsillectomy and/or adenoidectomy, procedures performed by dissection and curettage respectively, following established surgical tecnics described in the literature. The surgeries were performed by the residents of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology Neck and Head Surgery of São José do Rio Preto Medical School. Conclusion: The index of bleeding into the post-surgical period was 0,33%, observed in one case of amygdalectomy in which was necessary reintervation surgical with control of haemmorragia, showing that the usage of bismuth subgallate is a safe and simple way to achieve haemmostasy in such procedure.