Portuguese Version

Year:  2000  Vol. 66   Ed. 2 - ()

Artigos Originais

Pages: 123 to 127

Post-Tonsillectomy Pain: Comparison Between Different Ages.

Author(s): Geraldo D. Sant Anna*,
Marcelo Mauri**,
Daniela B. Silva**,
Humberto C. Junior***.

Keywords: tonsillectomy, post-operative pain, age

Backgrounds and aims: Tonsillectomy is a painful procedure that produces remarkable post-operative discomfort. The aim of this study was to compare the post-operative pain patterns of younger and older patients. Material and methods: Tonsillectomy was carried out in 58 patients by convencional technique to evaluate post-operative pain. The scores for those patients 10 years or younger (group 1) were compared with those older than 10 (group 11). The anaesthetic and perioperative analgesic regimes were standardized. Patients were asked to score their pain on a linear analogue scale, to record the total number of analgesics required in the previous 24h and whether they had been able to eat normal diet. This evaluation lasted for 12 days. Results were analized by Mann-Whitney Rank Sum test or Chi-square (p<0.05). Results: Mean age was 7.68 years in group I (n=29) and 24.34 years in group II (n=26). There patients in the group II were excluded from this study due to use non-standardized analgesic regimes. In the group of patients of 10 years or younger the severity of post-operative pain was lower that in older patients and less analgesia was required in the follow-up, except at the first day post-operatively when no difference was observed between groups (p<0.05). The mean time for return to normal diet was five days in the younger age group and nine days in the older group (p<0.05). Conclusion: These findings suggest that there is a significant difference in the pattern of pain experienced following tonsillectomy in children under 10 years of age compared to older patients. Thus, less analgesia is required and earlier return to normal diet is observed in younger age group.






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