Portuguese Version

Year:  1993  Vol. 59   Ed. 2 - ()

Artigos Originais

Pages: 121 to 128

The otolaryngologist and audiologist management in lhe hearing-aid fitting.

Author(s): Ricardo Ferreira Bento*,
Maria Helena Untura Caetano**

Keywords: hearing loss, hearing aid

Changes in indication, consumer education, legislation, and hearing-aid technology Nave resulted in a movement to redefine and expand the professional roles and responsibilities of otolaryngologists and audiologists to the hearing-impaired patients, when tire hearing needs amplification. Many such professionals nave incorporated the dispensing of hearings aids into theirs practices in effort to provide more complete haring health core. The otolaryngologist should not only make tire diagnosis, but also ascertain whether or not amplification is indicated, counsel and motivate the patient for consideration of hearing-aid usage, and then reevaluate tire patient at regular intervals. Under these circunstances, patients also feel more assured in returning for follow-up visits for hearing rechecks, medical ressessments, and electroacoustic analysis of hearing-aid performance. Patients often relate their appreciation for the interest and concern which, they feel, is reflected by within-clinic dispensing. The goal of this paper consists in showing tire actual reality of hearing-aid indication and to put in question a new perspective of hearing-aid adaptation by ololaryngologist and audiologist. Both otolaryngologists and audiologists are in a new, phase of hearting in the area of rehabilitation, provinding professional growth for both and ultimately leading to a better quality of life for many hearing-impaired patients.






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