Year: 1993 Vol. 59 Ed. 2 - (1º)
Artigos Originais
Pages: 84 to 89
Mesoscopic anatomy of the arterial componente of the temporal muscle.
Vanessa Soares Lara *,
Joćo Adolfo Caldas Navarro **
Keywords: mastigatory muscles, temporal muscle, maxillary artery
The transference of the temporal muscle is very, used in many, esthetic and functional surgeries, because of it's special anatomic localization, irrigation and innervation.
Microdissections of 20 adults temporal muscles were made to observe the arterial components. The presence of 2 (two) main arteries were delected, beginning their trajectories into the anterior and middle portion of the muscle. In other 9 (nine) cases (45%), 3 (three) arteries were identified, and in 2 (two) (10%), 4 (four) main arteries were observed.
The innervation was present following the homonimous arteries, basically, represented by three main branches.