Year: 1993 Vol. 59 Ed. 1 - (14º)
Relato de Casos
Pages: 66 to 70
Cervical lymphadenopathy in childhood simulating lymphoma. A case report.
Lidio Granato *,
José Eduardo Lutaif Dolci **,
Maristela de Queiroz Ribeiro ***,
Luciano M. Lemos ****.
Keywords: neck, lymphnodes
The authors report a case of a child with a 7 years history of a unilateral hard cervical rode of approximately 4 cm diameter protruding through the left submandibular area.
Extensive otolaryngological clinical, laboratory and radiologic exams were unconclusive. The patient was submitted to a surgical removal of the node. The pathology report revealed great difficulty to differentiate a chronic reactional inflamatory process from Hodgkin's lymphoma.
Due to the abscence of Reed-Sternberg cells, the diagnosis of a non neoplastic process war given. The authors emphasize the need of close follow-up of this patient for a few years.