Portuguese Version

Year:  1991  Vol. 57   Ed. 4 - ()

Relato de Casos

Pages: 210 to 217

Laryngo-pharyngeal tuberculosis. Clinical aspects in 5 cases.

Author(s): Décio R Campana*
Maria Ângela P. C. Potério**
Marco A. Gazel***
Fábio Y. Yamamoto***

Keywords: pharynx, larynx, tuberculosis laryngeal

The authors report five cases of the laryngo-pharyngeal tuberculosis and should be emphasized that despite that patology to be secondary at the lung tuberculosis, the diagnostie hypothesis of the tuberculosis was suspect after the otorhinolaryngologycs examinations. They reiterate the importance of the otorhinolaryngologycs complaints to the diagnosis of the lung tuberculosis.






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