Portuguese Version

Year:  1991  Vol. 57   Ed. 4 - ()

Artigos Originais

Pages: 188 to 195

Orbital and malar bone fractures

Author(s): Onivaldo Bretan*
Jair Cortez Montovani**
Fernando Alves Pinto***
Marco Antonio Correia****

Keywords: facial bones, orbital fractures, maxillary fracture

Malar bones and orbital fractures, common in modern life accidents, have been studied in 156 patients, mostly 20 to 40 years oldmales, victims of automobilistie accidents, falling and injuries. Difficulty in diagnosing fractures which show few clinical evidences can be overcome by knowing and using all indications and symptoms, and byusing known radiologic alterations which may be evidenced if particularly searched. Ophtalmologic lesions frequently follow mater bone and orbital fractures. In the treatment both conservative technique using hook and cirurgical technique with interosseous wire fixation were utilized.






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