Portuguese Version

Year:  1991  Vol. 57   Ed. 4 - ()

Artigos Originais

Pages: 170 to 179

Temporal bone procedures - Reviewing the terminology

Author(s): Dr. Sady Selaimen da Costa*
Dr. Luiz Cardos Alves de Souza**
Dr. Manoel Iosé de Andrade***

Keywords: Mastoidectomy, tympanomastoidectomy, tympanoplasty

Otologie surgery has gone trough a gradual evolution to rheas the state of art at it is prac- tice today. Early Contributors promoted surgical techniques which were appropriate for the then avaible instrumentation and understanding of patology. Through continued investigation and research as well as the introduction of new techrnologies, the modern otologic surgeon now has many options in choosing a surgical approach. The objective of this paper is to describe historical backgrounds and definitions of the most employed procedures over the temporal bone, stressing the importance of a standardization of the namenclature and its importance to make the reportig results through future communications more meaningful.






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