Year: 1996 Vol. 62 Ed. 5 - (3º)
Artigos Originais
Pages: 388 to 408
Auditory-Evoked Potentials (ABR and ECoG) in 2 545 Children with Deafness and/or Comunications Disturbs Suspect (Etiological Study, Deafness Grade and Diagnostic Precocity).
José Alexandre Médicis da Silveira*,****,
Alexandre Médicis da Silveira *****,
Ricardo Ferreira Bento*,***,
Ossamu Butugan***,
Aroldo Miniti**,
Edigar Rezende de Almeida****.
Keywords: auditory-evoked response, deafness, child
The authors studied the deafness is 2 545 children submitted to auditory-evoked response, analising the probable etiotogy, the defiency grade and the diagnostic precocity. The probable etiologies more frequently found in moderate to profund hearing loss were: unknovn cause, congenital rubeola, perinatal factors, meningites, ototoxicity. In the population studied, only 6,52% of the children thvere send to auditory examination during the first year of life, in oposit mith studies in developed countries.