Portuguese Version

Year:  1996  Vol. 62   Ed. 4 - ()

Artigos Originais

Pages: 316 to 320

The Safety and Efficacy of Cefprozil in the Treatment of Acute Sinusitis in Adults.

Author(s): Aroldo Miniti*,
Ricardo Ferreira Bento**,
Luiz Ubirajara Sennes***.

Keywords: Acute sinusitis; cefprozil; beta-lactamase resistente; cephalosporin

Amoxacilin uses to be lhe first choice for the treatment of acute sinusitis in adudts. Recently, however, resistance to amoxacilin has been increasing. Five to 30% of H. in fluenza and 40 to 70% of the M. catarrhalis are betalactamase producing. Cefprozil is an oral cephalosporin antibiotic with stable beta-lactamase profile. The efficacy and safety of cefprozil (250 mg each 12 horas, for 10 days) in lhe treatment of lhe acute sinusitis on 21 adult patients atended at the Otolaryngology Department of University of São Paulo were analyzed. The antibiotic efficacy in this study was 95%. Low intensity adverse effects were observed, all of them related to gastroenterology system (diarrhea and epigastric pain). We concluded that cefprozil is a safe and efficient antibiotic for the treatment of acute sinusitis in adult patients.






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