Portuguese Version

Year:  1996  Vol. 62   Ed. 2 - ()

Artigos Originais

Pages: 132 to 145

Mediastinitis as a Complication of the Deep Cervical Abscess: the Propagation Routs.

Author(s): Luiz Ubirajara Sennes *
Domingos Hiroslli Tsuji *
Rui Imamura **
Luiz M. M. Sancho ***
Laerte Brasiliense Fusco ****

Keywords: Abscesso cervical, mediastinite

The deep neck infections are severe diseases, usually of odontogenic origin. The ammount of the secretion and the adjacent inflammeds soft tissue can promote airway obstruction. The infection control is dificult, especially when it extends beyond the primary space involving another cervical and/or rnediastinal space. The mediastinitis and its complications result in high mortality. This study is a report of three patients that developed mediastinitis and septicemia during the evolution of an odontogenic cervical abscess. The route of infection spread from the head and neck toward the mediastinum are discussed. We emphasized the importance of the suspicion and the early diagnosis of the rnediastinal involvement. The infection control depends on the early and aggressive multidisciplinar treatment.






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