Portuguese Version

Year:  1995  Vol. 61   Ed. 2 - ()

Artigos Originais

Pages: 97 to 102

Subglotic Stenosis.

Author(s): Jair C. Montovani*,
Raul Lopes Rui Junior**,
Emanuel C. Castilho***.

Keywords: Larynx, stenosis

In the present study we report the experience of the Department of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, University Hospital, Botucatu School in 19 cases of laryngotracheal stenosis. Fifteen cases had subglotic stenosis, one had stenosis of inferior tracheal and subglotic, one had stenosis of trachea and two others had extensive involvement of larynx and trachea due to chronic inflamatory disease. In eleven patients a laryngotracheal reconstrutive technique with costal cartilagem graft was performed with good results. The major technical difficulties, occurring mainly in children, were the withdrawn of the cannula of the tracheostomy due to granulation tissue formation and the subglotic partial stenosis after surgical reconstrurtion.






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