Portuguese Version

Year:  1995  Vol. 61   Ed. 1 - (10º)

Artigos Originais

Pages: 64 to 69

Blindness as a Complication of Rhino-Sinusal Surgery

Author(s): Denis Ricardo Siebert*

Keywords: Otorhinolaryngologicsurgery, blindness

In this paper, the autor comments several cases of severe visual disturbances following rhino-sinusal surgeries and others like tonsillectomy, correction of choanal atresia, vidian neurectomy, frontal sinus irrigation, ethmosphenoidectotny and submucous resection of the septum. Based on previous papers, commented in the text, the author oncludes that the cause of those accidents may be vascular (vasospasm orthrombo-embolic disturbances) or direct optic verve injury. The author also gives his opinion about some anatomic variations that might contribute to the happening of these optic nerve injuries, and consequent blindness, following such surgical procedures.






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