Portuguese Version

Year:  1995  Vol. 61   Ed. 1 - ()

Artigos Originais

Pages: 30 to 33

Bilateral Nasolabial Cyst

Author(s): Cláudio Cidade Golpes*,
Antônio Bartolomeu Dias Júnior**,
Celso Vidolin**,
Fábio Coêlho Alves Silveira***.

Keywords: Bilateral Nasolabial Cyst

The nasolabial eysts are uncommon, and represent about 0,3% of all cysts described in the maxillary region. Its bilateral ocurrence is extremely rare, with only 10 cases described. Clinical features include the presence of a swelling next to the ala of the nose, wich is non-tender, well confined, smooth and fluctuating, that push the upper lip forwards. Clinical topographic aspects represents the most important criterion for the diagnosis, because the histopathologic and cytologic findings are of minor important for diagnostic purposes. Computed tomography and ecography serves to demonstrate the extension of the lesion into surrounding structures. They are classified among the fissura cysts, with a wide synonymia, beeing the term - nasolabial cyst the most adequate. We present a case with its clinical aspects and surgical therapy.






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