Portuguese Version

Year:  1993  Vol. 59   Ed. 1 - ()

Artigos Originais

Pages: 08 to 11

The teaching of otolaryngology in the graduation course of medical school.

Author(s): Carlos E. Banionuevo*,
Brenda Hupe Schwabe**

Keywords: otolaryngology, teaching, curriculum

The Collegiate of Medical School of the Federal University of Paraná is considering changes in contem and duration of credits of its didatic program. The reformulation is to be dane in the basic sciences and clinical courses with the objective of better prepare tire medical student to be able to improve performance with more efficiency in a wider range of clinical situations, soon as he graduates. Each discipline was invited to present a critical annalyses of its program and present modifications to the rewiew board. The discipline of otolaryngology after reviesving the incidence of ENT diseases in the outapatient department in relation to the statistical prevalence of diseases and relating this to the basic needs of the medical student presents as conclusions in this papel. This proporal rnav be helpfull in making uniform the teaching of ENT ili several Medical Facultics in Brazil.






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