Portuguese Version

Year:  1997  Vol. 63   Ed. 6 - ()

Artigos Originais

Pages: 567 to 573

Spontaneous Otoacoustic Emissions in High Risk Newborns.

Author(s): Otacílio Lopes Filho*
Rosimeire C. Carlos**
Heloisa Juliana Zabeu Rossi***
Claudia A. Eckley***
Abraão Berezin*****
Clery B. Gallacci******

Keywords: spontaneous otoacoustic emissions, high risk newborns

The authors studied spontaneous otoacoustic emissions (SOA) in 25 high risk newborns with a mean chronologic age of 34 weeks (28 to 42 weeks), and weigh varying between 900g and 2500g. Ten were females and 15 were males. Eighteen of the 25 patients presented distortion product otoacoustic emissions with normal responses. Spontaneous otoacoustic emissions were studied in these 18 patients, being present in 15 (83,3%). The analysis of the responses showed a concentration of SOAE with amplitudes varying between 0 and 23 dBSPL, and a frequency range extending from 3 to 4 Khz. There was no difference between right and left ear in relation to frequency and amplitude (T Student Test). This study demonstrates a greater incidence of SOAE in high risk newborns in comparision to normal newborns (50%). This finding might be an evidence that SOAE are a product of microlesions in the cochlear epithelium the absence of detectable hearing loss.






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