Portuguese Version

Year:  1997  Vol. 63   Ed. 5 - ()

Artigos Originais

Pages: 445 to 450

The Auditory Before and After Surgical Treatment in Otosclerotic.

Author(s): Herton Cofman*
Maria Helena Silveira de Souza**
Rita de Cásia Gloppo**

Keywords: otosclerosis, auditory perception

The SSW is a traditional test of evaluation perceptive deafness in children older than five years. The study of perceptive deafness in children is a very common finding in international dialogy magazine, because of generalized concern of teachers in student proficiency. This test is not resend for children with serous otitis media because its applicability is outside the peak age range for this disease. In this work we assessed the conductive hearing loss of patients with bilateral otosclerosis before and after hearing normalization post surgical treatment, using SSW as testing device. The conclusion was adult brain, similar to children's, has sufficient plasticity react to peripheral hearing improvement, although there is quantitative comparative measurement. In this fashion successful unilateral stapedectomy or stapedotomy can improve central processing of hearing and SSW testing is indicated in this evaluation because vocal discrimination, often used in this situation, do not reflect the realities of speech perception.






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