Portuguese Version

Year:  1997  Vol. 63   Ed. 4 - ()

Artigos Originais

Pages: 329 to 334

Jitter and Shimmer's Acoustics Parameters of 248 Children, 6 to 10 Years Old, From Porto Alegre' Students.

Author(s): Nédio Steffen*,
Maristela Bridi Moschetti**.

Keywords: jitter, shimmer, fundamental frequency, children's voice

Jitter and shimmer acoustic parameters were analyzed in 248 school, ages 6 - 10, in Porto Alegre. In 131 children were found to have normal voices. In 117 children were found to be dysphonic in perceptual evaluations. Of these, only 13 (11%) exhibited alterations in jitter (0.65 average), throughacoustic analysis using Dr. Speeche software. Similary, of the 131 children with apparently normal voice, 122 (93%) exhibited shimmer perturbations (5.86 average). Jitter and shimmer parameters were not found sensitive as screening tools for determining normal or dysphonic voices in children.






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