Portuguese Version

Year:  1999  Vol. 65   Ed. 6 - ()

Artigos Originais

Pages: 511 to 516

Adenoidectomy: New Principles. Interdisciplinary Study.

Author(s): Jeferson D'Avila*;
Ariadne B. Naves**;
Lycia Chagas***;
Maria F. D'Avila***;
José A. Dantas****;
Candice Oliveira***;
Hernán A. C. Sobral*****.

Keywords: bucal respirator sindrome, adenoids hipertrofy, adenoidectomy

Material and Methods: We realized a study about the Bucal Respirator Sindrome (B.R.S) in 100 pacients. Especial attention was gived to diagnosis of the Adenoids Hipertrofy. This study organized a sistematic practical Table I, where the EXT., Odontology and the Speech Voice Terapy accomplished interdisciplinary study. There was a clinical classification, in three degrees to each especific case of the B.R.S. Conclusion: The practical Table 1 according with the especifics degrees directed the terapeutic orientation clinical or surgery (Adenoidectomy), with security and practical manner.






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