Year: 1999 Vol. 65 Ed. 6 - (5º)
Artigos Originais
Pages: 504 to 508
Analisy and Comparation of Post. Operative Pain in LAUP and Radiofrequency Patients Trated for Snoring.
Mercedes N. Silva*;
José A. A. de Oliveira**;
Denílson S. Fomin***;
Juan C. Vallejo*.
Keywords: pain, laup, radiofrequency, snoring
Introduction: The snoring and mild obstructive sleep apnea can be surgically treated with Laser Assisted Uvulopalatoplasty (LAUP) or aplication of Radiofrequency (RF) in the soft palate. Objetive: analysis the post-operative pain in 41 patients underwent to the surgery: 27 LAUP and 14 RF. Material and Methods: We considered trans-operative (TO) and post-operative (PO) pain, onset, level, intensity and the total duration of pain. Results: In the TO seven patients (26%) in the LAUP group and four patients (29%) in the RF group reported pain. In the LAUP group the PO pain was present in 25 patients (93%) and in the RF group in three patients (21%). In the LAUP group the pain begin after 14 h., in the RF group after 11 h. The PO'S maximum level pain was in the LAUP group after 39 h. PO, in the RF group after 27 h. The PO intensity pain in the LAUP group was of stage III (severe) in 11 patients (41%), stage II (moderate) in 11 patients (41 %), stage I (mild) in three patients (11%) and stage 0 (nule) in two patients (7%). In the RF's group one patient (7%) had PO pain stage II, two (14%) stage I and 11(79%) stage 0. In the LAUP group, the pain duration average was of six days, in the RF group was of five days. Conclusions: The soft palate RF aplication produce a mild pain. The post-LAUP pain is an important problem and we have to indicate the best analgesia.