Year: 1999 Vol. 65 Ed. 6 - (4º)
Artigos Originais
Pages: 498 to 501
Superficial Parotidectomy - New Incision.
José Y. Maniglia*;
Lucas G. Patrocínio**;
Cláudia Maniglia***;
Luciano Maniglia****;
Ismael F. O. Dias*****;
José A. Patrocínio******.
Keywords: parotidectomy, incision, esthetic, Appiani incision
Introduction: The superficial parotidectomy is the most frequent intervention done over the salivary glands. Nowadays, the most used incision is the modified Blair incision. Looking for an esthetic improvement, Appiani presented the possibility to do a ritidoplasty incision. Therefore, we intend to evaluate the results and the complications of the superficial parotidectomy using this incision, expecting to standardize this surgery. Material and Methods: Fifty patients that had a benign tumor of parotid were undergone a superficial parotidectomy, using Appiani incision; in the ENT Services of UFU and FAMERP between January 1994 and july 1997. The present study is not comparative and only aim to demonstrate the experience of these services. Results: The great number of patients (50) and the broad age-bracket (18-80 years-old) were positive points for the results evaluation. The complications were restricted to 10 patients (20%): five cases of temporary facial paralysis, two of Frey's syndrome, two of post-operative haematoma and one of salivary fistula. The esthetic effect was notorious, the same way as the patient's satisfaction. There is no difference between the complications resulted from the incision techniques since they do not interfere in the final functional result. Conclusion: Then, as the utilization of this new incision permits a perfect exposure of the gland and the facial nerve without functional commitment, and still making possible an esthetic facial improvement, we infer that soon the Appiani incision may substitute the Blair modified incision.