Portuguese Version

Year:  1999  Vol. 65   Ed. 6 - ()

Artigos Originais

Pages: 492 to 496

Hypoglossal- Facial Nerve Anastomosis for Treating Facial Palsy.

Author(s): Cristiane A . Kasse*;
José R. G. Testa**.

Keywords: facial palsy, hypoglossal-facial nerve anastomosis

Introduction: Hypoglossal-facial nerve anastomosis is a very known technique for treating facial palsy. Purpose: This article had the objective to report 12 cases of hypoglossal-facial nerve anastomosis and their pos operatory evolution, correlating the interval between diagnosis and surgery with function recuperation. Material and Methods: The pre operatory degree of palsy, according to House-Brackman criteria, was 62% V degree and 38% VI degree. The technique was the anastomosis with the trunk of facial nerve and hipoglossal nerve ipsilateral, and in some cases were used grafts of nerves. Results: The interval between the diagnosis and surgery was 25.3 months and 15.4 months to recover. Discussion: The pos operatory results showed 8% of cases with V degree of palsy, 17% IV degree, 58% 111 degree and 17% 11 degree. Conclusion: The hypoglossal-facial nerve anastomosis proved to be beneficial to the patients, with important function recuperation, despite hemiatrophy of tongue.






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