Portuguese Version

Year:  1999  Vol. 65   Ed. 4 - ()

Artigos Originais

Pages: 332 to 336

Trasients Otoacoustics Emissions Analisys in Risk and Non Risk Infants.

Author(s): Juan C. Vallejo*;
José A. A. de Oliveira**;
Mercedes N. Silva*;
Alinas. Gonçafes**;
Maria H. de Andrade***.

Keywords: transient-otoacoustic emissions, hearing screening, hearing risk

Introduction: Otoacoustic Emissions (OAE) record is an - objective test to assess the coclear function through the measuring of obter hair cells (OHC) activity. This is a valid method to neonatal screening. In the transient OAE (T-OAE) are considered both the incidence and the magnitude of response; the incidence considered presents, parcial and absent responses; in the magnitude is considered a intensity in decibels (dB); while to high the response, the OHC activity is larger. Purpose: compare the incidence presentation of responses, a magnitude of response in hearing risk and non risk infants and determine if the hearing risk has importance in the results. Material and Method: Were studied of August of 1997 July of 1998, 96 infants in youngest age to 12 months. Were tested with T-OAE 184 ears, with hearing risk was 81 ears and without 103 ears. Results: The non risk group had 90,3% of incidence of normal responses, a magnitude was 21,6 dBSPL, parcial response had 2,9% and absent response 6,8%. In the hearing risk group, the incidence of normal responses was 81,5%, the magnitude of 16,8 dBSPL, 4,9% had parcial responses and 13,5% absent responses. Conclusion: We observed an greatest incidence of normal responses and higher response intensity in infants without hearing risk. In th;2 hearing risk infants, the response presentation incidence was lesser than the non hearing risk group. In the hearing risk group the magnitude was lesser than the non risk group. The presence of hearing risk had influence in both the presentation incidence and the magnitude of T-OAE.






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