Portuguese Version

Year:  1999  Vol. 65   Ed. 3 - ()

Relato de Casos

Pages: 228 to 235

Hemorrhagic Cervical Complicacation Induced by Anticoagulant

Author(s): Pedro Alberto Escada*.

Keywords: hemorrhage, hematoma, anticoagulants, airway obstruction, pharynx, larynx, neck

We describe here a case of cervical haemorrhage caused by the administration of warfarin. Bleeding complications from oral anticoagulants are frequent, but haemorrhage into the cervical region or upper airway is a distinctly uncommon ocurrence. The risk of upper airway obstruction, more than the risk of hypovolemia, is the most important feature of this condition. The patients should be admitted to the hospital for close observation and prompt reversal of anticoagulant, because the clinical picture may become dramatic and life-threatening, requiring a tracheostomy or na intubation. We review the literature and present management and treatment principles for this group of patients.






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