Portuguese Version

Year:  1999  Vol. 65   Ed. 2 - ()

Relato de Casos

Pages: 167 to 170

Giant Cell Granulona of Maxilar Sinus: A Case Report.

Author(s): Guilherme Franche*,
Marinez B. Barra**,
Luís Hauth***,
Jaime L. Arrarte****,
Adriana de Carli****,
Fernanda Peduzzi*****

Keywords: giant cell granuloma, maxillary sinus, paranasal sinuses

Giant cellgranuloma is a benign and rare lesion that generally involves the mandíbule and maxilla, may be locally aggressive and result in extensive tissue destruction in advanced cases. In this article, the authors reported a case of giant cell granuloma in the maxilar sinus in a young patient, that was surgically treated by a partial maxillectomy. The authors show the main aspects of this disease by a literature review.






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