Year: 1999 Vol. 65 Ed. 1 - (10º)
Artigos Originais
Pages: 85 to 90
Anomalus Jugular Bulb in the Middle Ear: Report of Seven Cases.
José Evandro P. de Aquino* ;
Nelson Alvares Cruz Filho**,
Nelson Alvares Cruz***.
Keywords: albnormalities, internal jugular vein, micldle ear
The autoors describe the diagnostic aspects, investigative tools and therapeutic approach to be taken in seven cases of jugular bulb dehiscence inside the micldle ear. There was been prevalence of the right sinuso-jugular system associateci with the tympanic hernia in the majority of cases. This angmaly may be found during surgery (hemorrhage) or also by othoscopy/ microscopy (blue tympanum). Besides the convencional Xrays, the CT scan, MRI and digital angiography show the dilatation of the jugular foramen and the perfect continuity with the middle ear. The temporal fascia and bone powder was used in four cases, in order to protect the protuding vem.