Código de la Imagen : 3668
Figure 1. A: macroscopic view of a tumor in the left tonsillar bed

Imagen publicada en:
2013 Vol.: 79 Ed.: 5 - Order: 22º

Figure 1. A: macroscopic view of a tumor in the left tonsillar bed; B: axial view of a neck CT scan (white arrow: tumor in the oropharynx; black arrows: lymph nodes); C: axial view of a chest CT scan (white arrow: tumor in the left upper lobe); D: squamous mucosa invaded by small-cell lung carcinoma characterized by mid-size trabecular tumor cells with round and oval nuclei and scarce cytoplasm; original magnification and 35x original magnification.
Autor (es) del artículo de origen:
Helena Hotz Arroyo1; Jefferson Takehara2; Allex Itar Ogawa3; Ronaldo Frizzarini5; Rui Imamura4; Henrique Moura de Paula5
Título y link del artículo:
Small cell lung carcinoma metastasis to palatine tonsils
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