Código de la Imagen : 3661
Figure 1. A and B: Left external carotid angiography (lateral and AP projections) showing a pseudoaneuryms of the linguofacial trunk (arrows)

Imagen publicada en:
2013 Vol.: 79 Ed.: 4 - Order: 23º

Figure 1. A and B: Left external carotid angiography (lateral and AP projections) showing a pseudoaneuryms of the linguofacial trunk (arrows); C: Final control after internal trapping; D and E: Cast of coils; F: Retrograde filling of linguofacial vascular territory via internal maxillary artery anastomosis (arrowheads).
Autor (es) del artículo de origen:
Luciano Manzato1; Felipe Padovani Trivelato2; Alexandre Yugo Holayama Alvarenga3; Marco Túlio Rezende2; Alexandre Cordeiro Ulhôa2
Título y link del artículo:
Endovascular treatment of a linguofacial trunk pseudoaneurysm after tonsillectomy
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