Código de la Imagen : 3626
Figure 1. Histology of Vocal Cord Polyp. Overview of the vocal fold polyp histology stained with hematoxylin and eosin (HE 20x).

Imagen publicada en:
2013 Vol.: 79 Ed.: 4 - Order:

Figure 1. Histology of Vocal Cord Polyp. Overview of the vocal fold polyp histology stained with hematoxylin and eosin (HE 20x). Notice the intact epithelium and the thin basement membrane. In the lamina propria there are vascular changes, amorphous material deposits, past hemorrhage and hemosiderin.
Autor (es) del artículo de origen:
Raquel Buzelin Nunes1; Mara Behlau2; Mauricio Buzelin Nunes3; Juliana Gomes Paulino4
Título y link del artículo:
Clinical diagnosis and histological analysis of vocal nodules and polyps
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