Código de la Imagen : 3561
Example of DPOAE in Group B

Imagen publicada en:
2012 Vol.: 78 Ed.: 6 - Order:

Figure 2. Example of DPOAE in Group B. A: pre-exposure, we notice that the auditory function was maintained, starting at 1 KHz, with the presence of DPOAE. B: DPOAE present after treatment with low, not damaging doses of amikacin. C: DPOAE present in all the tested frequencies after a damaging dose of 400 mg/kg/day of amikacin for 12 days. D: Example of SEM in Group B, showing the destruction of outer hair cells on the basal turn. 750x magnification.
Autor (es) del artículo de origen:
Andreia Ardevino de Oliveira1; Matheus de Souza Campos2; Adriana de Andrade Batista Murashima3; Maria Rossato4; Miguel Angelo Hyppolito5; José Antônio Apparecido de Oliveira6
Título y link del artículo:
Persistence of the otoprotective effect. How long does otoprotection against amikacin lasts?
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