2449 - Vol. 66 /
Ed 3 /
in 2000 |
Section: Artigos Originais |
Pages: 243 to 248 |
Early Gottic Carcinoma (T1-T2): Surgical Approach. |
Authors: |
Luiz U. Sennes*; Rodrigo A. C. De La Cortina**; Domingos H. Tsuji***; Henry K. Ugadin**; Fabrizio R. Romano****; Rui Imamura**. |
Keywords: carcinoma, larynx, hemilaryngectomy, cordectomy, laser
Abstract: Introduction: Early glottic carcinoma treatment is still very controversial. Surgical approach offers some advantages, although radiotherapy provides better vocal results. Material and methods: The authors present the results of surgery on 31 patients with early glottic carcinoma who underwent different surgical techniques at Otolaryngology Department of the University of São Paulo - School of Medicine. The minimum follow up was two years. Resuts: Fifty-two percent of the patients were over sixty years old and only two patients were women (6%). Nineteen patients smoked, and 26% of them also consumed alcohol. Twelve patients had their tumors classified as T1a and underwent cordectomy (eigth using external approach and four using CO2 laser) Twelve (39%) were classified as T1 b and underwent frontolateral laryngectomy, while seven patients were classified as T2 and underwent hemilaryngectomy. All patients deteriorated voice quality after surgery. Eight patients presented post-operative complications. Three presented aspiration, three developed granuloma and two scars of the anterior comissure. One case of tumoral recurrence was treated with radiotherapy. Conclusion: The choice of surgical treatment depended on the tumor's stage. Authors conclude that TNM classification could be a guide to the choice of a safe surgical technique to early glottic carcinoma.
Indexations: MEDLINE, Exerpta Medica, Lilacs (Index Medicus Latinoamericano), SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online)
CAPES: Qualis Nacional A, Qualis Internacional C
