ISSN 1808-8686 (on-line)
Listing of the files selected for print:
2446 - Vol. 66 / Ed 3 / in 2000
Section: Artigos Originais Pages: 217 to 222
Difficulties in Cough Control in Otorhinolaryngology, When Provoked By Anti-Hypertensive Angiotensin - Converting Enzyme Inhibitors.
Milton Nakao*,
Cristiane K. Denis**,
Bianca G. O. Mariúba**,
Vadis I. Pelizza**.

Keywords: cough, angiolensin-converting enzyme inhibitors

Abstract: The authors report on clinical cases of long lasting cough, of up to five years, in hypertensive patients, who take angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ECA) as hypotensives, and who do not improve on taking anti-histamines and also regress with the change of inhibitor from ECA to another anti-hypertensive.

Indexations: MEDLINE, Exerpta Medica, Lilacs (Index Medicus Latinoamericano), SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online)
CAPES: Qualis Nacional A, Qualis Internacional C

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