Abstract: Nasal obstruction is a common clinical occurrence, that englobes a high serie of pathologies (inflammatory, infections, traumatic, benign tumors, malignant tumors, etc ... ). Antral-Choanal polyps (Killian s polyp), must be remembered like differential diagnosis of nasal obstruction, when has a sinus roentgenogram with unilateral maxillary opacification. By tire time of clinical apresentation, tire lesion often protudes into the nasophanynx; and in some cases; it may y even be seen extending into tire oropharynx The surgical proceduce usually employed is a unilateral Caldwell-Luc antrostomy; with oropharyngeal removes. We present 15 patients with astral-choanal polyps; and discuss their clinical history, radiological, nasal/nasopharynx endoscopic evaluation, considerations about the origin and tire surgical treaanent of choice.